About Pregged

Welcome to Pregged, your destination for embracing a fulfilling and empowered lifestyle. Whether you’re navigating personal growth, wellness journeys, or seeking a supportive community, Pregged is here to empower you. Our mission is to provide clarity and support, fostering fearless living and a strong sense of belonging within our safe community. Join us as we journey through life together with knowledge, confidence, and compassion. 
Pregged is maintained by Adspire LLC, a Florida-based Digital Media Company. You can contact us here.

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The Pregged Manifesto

Reliable, Up-to-Date Information

All pregnancy information is reviewed by experienced medical professionals, including an Obstetrician-Gynecologist, an Emergency Room MD, a Psychologist, and a Pharmacist.

Support and Care

We know pregnancy can be worrying, especially with mental health challenges. Our supportive community is here to listen and help you through every part of pregnancy, ensuring a safe and kind environment.

Calm and Reassurance

While a completely anxiety-free pregnancy may be unrealistic, the right information and support can calm fears and prepare you for labor and birth. We focus on birth preparation and mental health.

Strength and Capability

You have what it takes to get through pregnancy, labor, and birth. We’re here to remind you of your strength and capability, helping you manage any symptoms you might experience.

Stay Connected

We keep you connected with local news, tech, and entertainment.

Staying informed and entertained is part of a balanced life. We bring you stories on local news, tech innovations, and entertainment updates to keep you connected with the world around you.

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Our Medical Experts

It’s incredibly important to us that all the information on Pregged is medically accurate, reliable and trustworthy. Our experienced medical reviewers are fully qualified in a variety of medical disciplines and are committed to bringing you the most up-to-date, evidence based information available.

Click the image to learn more about each of our medical experts.

Nikolina Miljus BSc Psychology

Nikolina Miljus (BSc) Psychology

Nikolina is a qualified Psychologist (BSc) and counselor. She writes insightful and helpful articles about mental health in pregnancy.

Yeniset Santana Pharmacist

Yeniset Santana PharmD Pharmacology

Yeniset is a fully qualified pharmacist. She writes about the safe use of medicines in pregnancy.

Kim Langdon M.D. OB/GYN

Kimberly Langdon M.D. is a retired University-trained obstetrician/gynecologist. She writes and medically reviews pregnancy articles for accuracy.

Kristy June G. Dinampo BScB, MD

Kristy June G. Dinampo BScB, MD

Kristy has a BSc in Biology and is a fully qualified General Medical Practitioner. She medically reviews articles on Pregged for accuracy.

Our Editors in staff

Tarryn Adonis

Tarryn is a writer who finds inspiration in the quiet depths of forests, the graceful flights of birds, the soothing melodies of music, and the gentle companionship of cats.

Dauglas Denga

Dauglas is a writer captivated by the intricate dynamics of family life. From the joy of welcoming babies and dogs into our homes to exploring the stories and flavors of diverse cultures during his travels, he finds inspiration in the connections that define us.

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Read Something

5 Best Tips to Beat Morning Sickness

Morning sickness, often an early sign of pregnancy, can make the start of your day challenging. Nausea, vomiting, and fatigue are common symptoms, but they

Understanding Pregnancy: Symptoms of Each Trimester

Pregnancy is an incredible journey filled with excitement, anticipation, and many physical and emotional changes. Each trimester comes with unique symptoms as your body adapts

5 Things Every Woman Should Know About Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a transformative journey that brings excitement, challenges, and new experiences. Whether you’re expecting your first child or adding to your family, understanding the

Facing High-Risk Pregnancies with Courage and Expert Care

Pregnancy is a journey filled with anticipation and joy, but it can also come with risks. These risks can be heightened by various factors, making

5 Benefits of Delayed Cord Clamping (DCC)

There are many things to think about when you’re creating your birth plan, and whether you want to opt for delayed cord clamping (DCC) is

Can Anxiety be a Pregnancy Symptom?

Written by Psychologist Nikolina Miljus. When we go through the list of pregnancy symptoms, anxiety is not one you’d normally find on there. But for many

What to Eat 1 Hour Before A Glucose Test During Pregnancy

When your medical practitioner has recommended that you take a glucose tolerance test during your pregnancy, usually around your fifth month of pregnancy, you will

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“Everything grows wider and rounder and weirder, and I sit here in the middle of it all and wonder who in the world you will turn out to be”
Carrie Fisher